Hello and welcome to beautiful garbage.

Tag Archives: webcomic

the 5 finger morning

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I didn’t even realize this until after I was done drawing, but I gave gregg 5 fingers… I don’t think i’ve ever done that before. Other than a new finger, its just another average morning on the route.

Posted on 11 July '11 by , under drawings. 1 Comment.

temporary logo

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temporary logo

temporary digital logo, thoughts?

Posted on 10 July '11 by , under drawings. 1 Comment.


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Posted on 26 June '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

we can tweet?

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Make sure to follow us on twitter for any and all updates related to Comic Garbage, and Brian & Gregg are Going Places at: @ComicGarbage.

Posted on 22 June '11 by , under links. No Comments.

another garbage truck

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garbage truck


Posted on 5 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

early brian drawing

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an early version of Brian from “brian and gregg are going place.” 1/6/11

Posted on 5 April '11 by , under drawings, Uncategorized. No Comments.