Hello and welcome to beautiful garbage.

Tag Archives: web comic


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Posted on 4 January '12 by , under drawings. No Comments.

Web Site Mock ups

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Posted on 4 January '12 by , under drawings. No Comments.

CG Textures

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Here is a link to CG textures. They provide a lot of really cool textures, among other things, that are useful in designs. If you take a look in the “manmade” folder on the left side of the page, and go down to “garbage containers,” you can view 3 pages of garbage container photos. Something I find interesting for a possible BAGAGP strip, is the container labeled “wet garbage.”


Posted on 18 August '11 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.


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These are the silhouettes of brian and gregg. We want to make them definable by their silhouettes alone. Gregg is on the left – he slouches more, rolls up his sleeves and pants, has a little gut, and his collar is a little more sharp/defined. Brian, on the right, stands up taller, has a smoother/cleaner collar. Gregg is pretty much a straight rectangle while brian is basically two triangles.  Should one or more of these traits be swapped between brian and gregg? should the traits be more exaggerated?

Posted on 21 July '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

‘Louie juice’

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louie juice

‘Louie juice’, more commonly referred to as garbage water is another idea that’s been going places with us. ‘Louie juice’ is the purest and foulest form of garbage water and Brian and Gregg hate it.

Unfortunatly it looks like Gregg has his hands full with some in this picture. Yikes!

Posted on 15 July '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

on a hill

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The Hill

Posted on 8 July '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.


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lately, this question has been driving me crazy.

Posted on 14 June '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

all dogs go to heaven

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all dogs go to heaven

drew this logo and came up with a hot dog themed fast-food restaurant brian and gregg frequent named “All Dogs Go to Heaven”.

Posted on 6 June '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.


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been playing around with the idea that brian and gregg date a set of twins. So here’s a drawing of the two couples on a romantic double date at the movies.

Posted on 6 June '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

Ready to go?

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Posted on 28 May '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.